
.:|home on the range|:.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Challenges and Organization

I am not a naturally organized person. I love organization, I just can't seem to get there. Why is this? I have been challenged to do a better job at this. More than anything, I want a smoothly-ran home, a clean home, and no weeds growing in my backyard. (Although Josh is the yard master) I want toys in neat little bins (we have little bins, they are not organized) I want clutter to disappear. I want my house to have that crisp-clean smell. (Not that it stinks, but you know what I mean) I love waking up to a clean house. What a great feeling. It just seems there is always something that needs to be done. Clothes put away, toys put away, dishes need to be washed or put away, the bed needs to be made. We used to make our bed everyday, now we're out of the habit. There really is no excuse. I STRONGLY desire to have a daily schedule with Ellie, a cleaning schedule, days that we do certain things, like the library on Mondays, or the playground on Fridays. This whole staying home full time thing is new to me, and I'm starting to get bored! Isn't that awful?! Here is my "schedule" now : Get up around 8:30, give Ellie a poptart (because she loves them) and some milk, then go downstairs and check my email and turn on Playhouse Disney for Ellie, hang around in my pj's until around 10am. Then the shower, then clean a little, launder a little, then it's usually lunchtime and Josh comes home. After lunch, we might go to the library or whatever. It's been WAY too hot to take walks. (105 last week) Ellie goes down for a nap around 3:00 and wakes up around 5:00. What do I do during that time? I relax. I watch Oprah or read Real Simple (the magazine that I cannot live life without, and, ironically, is all about organization in your life) or journal, maybe take a nap if I'm really sleepy. Now that I look at all that - I can seem lazy. What should I do with myself? What do I do with Ellie? I am also not a natural mother, and at this age, I have no clue what to do with her. She will not play by herself. She must follow me around everywhere I go. That's fine, I just wish I could find something free and constructive for her to do. She's not into coloring anymore, she likes to play with babydolls now, but she wants me to play with her. Which is fine, except I have things to do around the house. Josh keeps saying to me, "I thought you were going to make a daily schedule? What's happened with that?" I don't know! I don't know what to do in my daily schedule!!!! Am I lazy?! Or just un-motivated? I want to see myself as one of those moms who gets up at like 7 and is perfectly groomed and showered and has breakfast ready for my family on the table (except we don't have a table, we have a bar) and then starts housework while my beautiful child plays outside on her brand new swingset that her grandparents bought for her (except she won't play outside by herself, and it's been so hot that the swings and the slide burn her little legs) and my house is clean ALL THE TIME. Do you see what I did after all of that? I made excuses. I'm tired of making excuses, I need to find solutions to my excuses. I know God has given me the wonderful privelege of staying at home with Ellie, and I have 24 hours in my day just like everyone else to make the best of. I really feel like making the most of my day is what God would have me to do. I know it will make me a better mother, wife, and will truly affect my time w/ God when I have those few hours to myself everyday. Does anyone else find it extremely hard to get up in the morning and try to connect with God? I so badly want to be a morning person! To be wide awake at 6:30 am would be wonderful! Of course... it's 12:19am and I'm sitting here blogging. The old saying "happiness starts in the home" is probably true, and I really think God is telling me to take it to heart. I know that true happiness starts with my God, and that is true in my life. But I think I could love my family more and take care of them better if I organized my home well and made better use of my time. I will be praying about this and ask God to fill me in on how I can do this. And any suggestions from all of you would great! I'll keep you updated.


Blogger Hummel Family said...

I'm right there with you, lady! You know what you NEED: MOMMY TIME! Set a date where you go and do whatever you want...either by yourself or with a friend. Have Josh or a babysitter watch Ellie for a few hours or for a whole day! I've learned I have to have my Mommy Time or I literally go nuts!!!! It does Burke a favor, because when I return home I am refreshed and I am a more loving wife and mother!

Hang in there...this time is so short...before we know our little girls will be in school and then they'll be in college and then they will be married! I know, I know, I am being a being a little extreme...but you get my point.

Love ya.

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay Cammie,
You make me feel normal. The gap between what I want to do and what I actually do is nearly immeasurable. My Josh also asks me often what happened to the schedule I was going to make...oops. I forget and go to the pool. But Lukas goes with me...does that count? I love hearing about you life!

5:43 PM  
Blogger the lambs said...

This is like blog therapy. I could almost post an entire blog exactly like Cammie's. I don't know what I did before discovering Real Simple Magazine. I just made a recipe out of an issue tonight. I think I feel more organized when I see others organized. Just moving hasn't helped either. I find that an occasional latte does wonders...or a piece of Oreo cheesecake! Don't worry, girl, you're not alone!


8:56 PM  

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