
.:|home on the range|:.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

No promises

Yeah, I suck at keeping this thing up lately. Will you forgive me and be really patient with me? Turns out we're not building the big fancy townhome. Oh, we could have, for a whopping $1500 a month. Now to you big city people, that's normal. But out here it's outrageous. We're going to see what happens. We're not upset, it just means a little waiting. Ellie started preschool for the 2nd year this week. I'm bracing myself for the fact in one short year she'll be headed off to Kindergarten. I hope this year goes slow! I promise I'll post something exciting soon with some pictures! In the meantime...


Blogger Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

Awwww.. What a bummer! And I was so enjoying living vicariously through you.... Oh well! God has something awesome in store for you guys!

7:49 AM  
Blogger Mel said...

Hey, Cammie and Josh... it's been a long time since I've talked with you guys. It's fun to read your blog and see what's happening in your world. Wow... your little girl starts Kindergarten next year?! She was a tiny baby when I saw you two a while back at an IWU homecoming. So much change. Well, just wanted to say HI to you guys. Talk more later.

2:21 PM  

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