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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My daughter has friends

Ellie and Chloe

I know it sounds funny, but I truly am amazed that my 3 year old has friends... she asks if they can come over and play, she wants to be around them. My little baby that I brought home from the hospital has grown and learned to talk, and dress herself, and is potty trained... and has a little group of friends. Is this where it all starts? I have found myself taking a step back and looking at the big picture... it seems like right now, at this moment in time.. this is who Ellie is. The 3 year old. The preschooler. It has just occured to me that she will get bigger. She will get older. And when she's 10, I won't be able to imagine her any older than she is. When she's 10, 11, 12, etc, 3 will seem a million miles away. Just the other day she wanted me to pretend to feed her a bottle from one of her baby dolls. I told her that she used to drink a bottle and that I would rock her to sleep. She kept arguing with me. "No, I not a baby! I'm Ellie!" It's so weird that these things only happened 2 years ago. Of course I remember them, but of course she doesn't. She has no clue what I'm talking about when I tell her how much she loved cereal and bananas in the morning, and how she would squirt baby food out of her mouth. She thinks I'm crazy. I guess it's all happening really fast, and before I know it she'll be 10, and I'll be telling her stories from when she was 3 and she won't remember any of it. So I guess I'll just embrace Ellie the 3 year old while I can, give all the hugs and kisses I can, and let her sit on my lap, pretend to do my hair, and let her tell me that she loves me all I can.


Blogger Jenn Swift said...

Last night I talked to my mom and I'm thinking about buying a house and I live far away in Illinois and we talked about random things that still shock me a little bit as I think about turning 30 soon. It got me thinking how fast it feels like I grew up and how long ago I was a little child. It's the other end of things from the child's perspective, but I couldn't help thinking that my mom was prolly thinking similar things last night as you were thinking about Ellie. I'm glad your saving these thoughts as they happen. They'll certainly be valuable when she's off on her own, thinking about buying a house, moving somewhere, almost turning 30! :) You guys are great. Think about you often.

7:51 AM  

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