
.:|home on the range|:.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Gettin' back in the groove

We are finally back into our normal routine and VERY glad to be home. We hit the ground running. Josh was priveleged to be a part of an event that was birthed out of some local men, including pastors and lay people, for a desire for a Promise Keepers-like thing, only local. The nearest one to us was in Denver, and after going, the men didn't want to wait months or another year to go. They wanted something now! It became what they are now calling "The Gathering" and they are official Promise Keepers Ambassadors. God moved in a way they never expected, and Josh was very honored to be the worship leader for the event. That happened the weekend we got back, and I started working the day after we got home. Needless to say, Christmas has kind of crept up on us, and we are not done shopping yet!! Ellie had her first Christmas program on Sunday night, she did really well. She wanted to hog the mic at one point. I wonder why? :) She's really fun this year with all the Christmas stuff! She couldn't wait to put up our tree, and every morning when she wakes up she says, "Santa's coming." She is so excited. We have a nativity candle on our breakfast bar, and Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus are in the middle with the wise men, shepherds, etc, surrounding them. The wise men are carrying their various things, and there is plate with gold coins that one wise man is carrying. Ellie informed that they were cookies that the wise men were bringing to baby Jesus. She's also informed me that her friend Chloe's mom is taking them to the North Pole. I wonder if Mikela (Chloe's mom) knows about this! Sorry it took us so long to get back to the world of blogging, but here are some pictures to document what's been going on! Hope you're all having a great Christmas season.

Ellie absolutely loves the Christmas tree, she couldn't wait to get it up and help decorate.

Can you see her?! Her first live performance! She's in the front in the white dress! I see a great future here..

Ellie on the plane on the way to Indiana