
.:|home on the range|:.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Our Last Sunday

.... is this Sunday. Josh talked with our pastor on Monday morning and he told Josh that he's not recommending him for another year. He gave us two options - stay until the end of April and resign then, or resign immediately with two months severence pay but be allowed to live in the house until the end of April. We've decided to resign immediately.
This came as kind of a shock to us, even though we've been unhappy for quite some time. Not unhappy with our church per say, but our ministry philosophy was just about as far from our pastor's as east is from the west. When our pastor talked to Josh, he was very nice and said he had actually lost sleep over this. We are not upset with him at all, he has been nothing but nice to us and has always wanted the best for us. We had decided that we would stay here until God really did tell us to leave. No looking, no complaining, just serving and trying to reach outside of our church walls in those relationships with the people that really need Jesus. After praying for clear direction for quite awhile, we got it on Monday morning. We are very thankful for this! Anyway, Josh just got contracted by a company in Colorado Springs to do web design, so that will be bringing in some extra income. Right now we're thinking about just moving to Colorado Springs since the design place is there, and Josh's dad and stepmom live there. We're not making any solid plans, we're really going to take these next few months and really seek God's face and ask what He wants us to do next. We feel like this is a fresh start and anything is possible! And since Josh can do the web design thing from basically anywhere, we could move anywhere we wanted to!
In a way we are relieved, we prayed for clear direction for so long, and we got it! Thank You Lord for letting us hit a brick wall to see Your plan!! How much clearer could it be?! I wish all things happened this way! Another plus is that I can still keep working at the bank until we move wherever. I love working there. I've made some really close friends there. We really are at peace with all of this and know it's for the best. So we get to start another adventure and we are excited to see where God takes us!

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Don't you just want to shout it? Ok, Josh and I are American Idol junkies, in case you didn't know. We DO NOT miss an episode, and we can usually spot the top 3 before Hollywood week. One of our top picks is Mandisa Hundley, the AWESOME black girl that basically gave Simon the gospel on last night's episode when they told her she was in the top 24. Guess what I found out about her today? She is on the Praise Team that travels with Beth Moore for her Living Proof Live events!! Is that not the coolest thing EVER?! Can we pick 'em or what?! Mark my word, she will be in the top 3. If not, I'll buy all of you a Coke. Somehow.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Tommy Walker's Breakthrough DVD

Here is a clip of the Tommy Walker concert we were involved in at Saddleback last summer. The DVD comes out SOON!!
If you look really close, you can see both Josh and I in some spots. I can't wait for this to come out!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I thought Ellie was bad!

Ellie colored orange highlighter on her face... but Jenn Swift brought THIS picture to my attention! I guess I should be glad it was Ellie's face rather than the dog since she has no siblings!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I've been reading through Proverbs, and here are a few that I just don't get. Any takers?

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when dreams come true, there is life and joy." Pr. 13:12
"An empty stable stays clean, but no income comes from an empty stable." Pr. 14:4
Maybe I'm not thinking hard enough!