God's Providence Exists
I know to any "good" Christian out there this statement seems a little obvious. However, I would argue that many of us, if we were really honest, at some point(s) doubt the truth of this statment...this is Josh, by the way.
Unless you are a new "our.little.corner" reader you are aware of the life situation we are in the middle of right now. For those of you who are unaware...here is the short of it. I was serving as the Director of Worship and Media at a church and was not extended another year to serve.
I am the first to admit that we have made some pretty poor choices since we have been married, as far as jobs go and we have been a bit "trigger-happy" with the resignation letters and the decisions of where to go. However, this time we had spent extended time in prayer and in the Word just seeking out the Lord's direction and made the decision that God had placed us in the church we were serving in for a reason and we just didn't feel the "release" from ministry there. Unfortunately, something else happened and we ended up in, what we felt, was the same place we left just a year before...jobless, penny-less and "hopeless."
It is said that hindsight is 20/20 and I would have to agree. The last few days have been days of major introspection and have been filled with many moments of destroying walls that I had used to partition different parts of my life and person to make myself and everyone around me believe that I was a different person than I really am. For those who have been through this type of a process you know how painful and emotional these times can be. I really questioned whether God really did have a "plan" for each of us or if He just put us here and let us run around likes rats in a maze until we ran into a wall a little too hard and "left the maze."
Earlier this week, though, I believe that God's arm extended and his hand guided those people that held the keys to my near future. Many of you are not aware that over the last several years I have taken to Graphic and Web Design and have gotten pretty decent at it. Anyway, I was not sure how to utilize these skills in the corporate world without the training and experience that is really necessary to get into this career field. However, on Monday I was extended and offer making 2-3 times more money than I have ever made in my life. Not that money is everything. However, for where I am I needed God to prove Himself in a very practical way, which He did.
Many good-intentioned people out there give people advice that "God is in Control" and that "He will lead you where He wants you". However, when you have no money and little food in your house the last thing that will build your faith is to hear someone say "Sometimes blessings are not physical blessings". In that moment is when, at least for me, that I need to see God miraculously come through.
I understand that my attitude toward this may be a bit selfish. However, this is part of the "new me." I am not going to say what people want to hear...I am going to be honest. And, for me, God had to come through in a big way.
I understand that it is not good "blog etiquette" to post so long. However, I just needed to say these things. Maybe it will help encourage someone reading it. Maybe it will just go out like a vapor in the vast web of the internet. I just needed to reaffirm to myself and anyone else that God is interested in even the most intricate details of our life and I need to hold onto that.
Blessings until next year when I post again;)