.:|home on the range|:.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
We spent a wonderful Thanksgiving with Josh's old friends, Scott and Deena Evans! They were his youth leaders at Tipton Trinity Wesleyan when he was in high school and we actually ran into them at Wal-Mart a few weeks ago and they so graciously invited us over for Thanksgiving dinner. It turns out they live just a few minutes down the road from us. We had a great time. Josh was able to catch up and reminisce and I was able to make some new friends! Josh made the rolls, as you can see, and he was watching over them intently so they would turn out just right!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Play the "Keep up with Josh and Cammie" game!
It's hard to do! Our life changes daily! The latest news is that we are NOT moving to Indiana. And we are very ok with that. All I can tell you is that the Lord changed our hearts. Plain and simple. We get to fly home in a few weeks to sing at a wedding of a dear friend, then a few weeks later we're driving home for Christmas. Tonight Josh and I get to have a date night - first one in about 5 months. We're going to see Casino Royale and Josh is surprising me with the restaurant! I love surprises!! Christmas is coming fast and we're trying to keep up and not let it come before we knew what hit us. All in all, we're great, we're happy to be staying in Colorado Springs, and can anyone say "UN-packing Party?!"