Back Home Again... in Indiana!
So I got a phone call about a week ago at work from Josh. And he says, "So, that job in Indy is mine if I want it." This is the hardest secret I've had to keep in a long time! I know it's only been a week, but you have no idea how badly I've wanted to create this post, and today we got the official "ok" to do so! Some of you know and a lot of you dont. So.. we're moving back to Indiana! There is a position in Josh's company (Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies) that has been open for months now. Just so happens that Josh is more than qualified for the position, and they offered it to him. We had to think about it for about a minute and a half, and prayed about it for a few days. Josh decided to accept, and today he got his official offer letter from HR. We've been house-hunting online and we've been sending grandparents and parent to Indy to search for us! God has been so evident in all of this, it's amazing some of the things that have happened to confirm that this is the right decision. We are so excited to be back home, but on the other hand it's very bittersweet as we leave behind a whole slew of people we've made lifelong relationships with here and in Kansas. We love you so much!!! We are planning on moving the week of Thanksgiving, so prayer would be much appreciated as we househunt (without stepping foot INTO the home) and figure out all the details! We'll definitely keep you updated!